Happy customers, happy business.

Any of the following resonate with you?

  • How do we create new and innovative products/services/features that get us ahead of our competition?

  • Why is our satisfaction survey showing us people are dissatisfied?

  • How do we ensure users will value and use our product/service?

  • Who are our users?

  • How do we reduce the risk of our decision-making for our product/service?

  • How do we prioritize what to work on next that will make customers and the business happy?

  • How can we move important team and business metrics (retention, acquisition, revenue) forward?

User research is here to help! All of my packages are created with answering your questions and helping you, your team, and your organization move forward by empowering your team to make informed, user-centered decisions that delight customers and drive business growth.


Build customer loyalty, team confidence, and revenue.

Discovery research

Starting at £3,350

Deeply understand your customers through discovery research.

Discovery research helps your team uncover pain points, motivations, and unmet needs about your customers so that you are able to create products and experiences deeply aligned with your users. You will be empowered to create solutions that resonate with your customers.

    • Alignment of goals, deliverables, and timelines

    • Internal stakeholder interviews

    • Participant sourcing and recruitment

    • 12-15 one-to-one interviews on a specific customer segment and topic

    • Analysis and synthesis of the data

    • Actionable report and presentation with clear guidance/roadmap of recommendations and next steps

    • If applicable, persona(s) or customer journey map(s)

    • (Optional) Insight activation workshops on ideation and solutionizing

    Approximate timeline: 6-8 weeks

    • Reduced risk in decision-making

    • Faster (and more accurate) product development

    • Increased confidence in user needs

    • User-centric prioritization of product roadmaps

    • Increase in customer retention and loyalty

    • Increase in customer acquisition

Testing & evaluation

£1,750/month retainer

Test and evaluate new ideas or prototypes to ensure they are aligned before development.

Evaluating and testing new features/products helps your team ensure designs and experiences help users and create value, right from the idea. You will improve the usability of your products and de-risk the development process.

    • Two evaluative tests per month, including methods such as:

      • Usability testing (qualitative or quantitative)

      • Surveys

      • Tree testing

      • Card sorting

      • Benchmarking

    • Monitoring success metrics

    • Participant sourcing and recruitment

    • Data analysis and synthesis

    • Monthly reports based on findings with clear, actionable improvements and progress trackers

    • (Optional) Monthly ideation workshop

    • Increased customer satisfaction

    • Increased brand and customer loyalty

    • Positive movement with business metrics, such as CLV, retention rate, acquisition, and usage metrics

    • Improved UX metrics

    • Faster product development with clear prioritization

    • Increased confidence and clarity on “what to work on next”

Need something more personalized?

If you have something in mind that you need help with and it doesn’t fit into one of the above packages, please feel free to reach out and we can create a specialized package for your exact needs.

Also, please reach out even if your budget doesn’t 100% align with the prices above. I am happy to find out a way to collaborate that works for us both.

Continuous improvement

Starting at £2,350

Continuously monitor and improve your product through research.

By continuously monitoring your product and users’ experiences, your team can track progress, prioritize improvements, and continue to align with users over time.

    • Kick-off to align on goals, timelines, and deliverables

    • Participant sourcing and recruitment

    • Evaluative testing:

      • 5-7 qualitative usability tests with one segment targeting specific flows

      • 15 quantitative usability tests with a specific segment

      • 25 card sorting or tree testing sessions with a specific segment

      • 25 benchmarking sessions with a specific segment

    • Analysis and synthesis of data

    • Usability testing report and presentation with clear annotations of problem areas and prioritized recommendations

    • (Optional) Ideation workshop

    Approximate timeline: 4-5 weeks

    • Reduced risk in decision-making

    • Faster (and more accurate) product development

    • Increased customer satisfaction

    • With quantitative usability testing, positive movement with UX metrics (ex: time on task, task success)

    • Increase in usage metrics (ex: checkout, downloads, reviews)

    • Increase in retention and acquisition

    • Increase in customer lifetime value

    • Decrease in customer support tickets